TVB News: 'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed, Producer may alter it

Source: Mingpao Translated by: aZnangel @

'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed, Producer may alter it

*Contains Spoiler* 
Last week, Lives of Omission TV ratings had an average of 31 points, peaking at 33 points. The finale will air on September 9th, while the film version will start shooting soon after. To boost the momentum, TVB scheduled the cast to watch the finale together with the audience at Emax on the finale night. Since last year's No Regrets, it has already been over half a year since TVB did another finale promotion. Looks like this series is getting quite a bit of attention. Producer Chong Wai Kin cannot say there won't be a sequel after the Lives of Omission film version.

The Lives finale has already been exposed, including Jodie's (Fala Chen) death and Paris (Kate Tsui) betraying Bai Co (Bosco Wong). Producer Chong still hasn't finished editing the finale episode yet, therefore the exposed ending isn't the complete story. He will make the appropriate changes to the ending based on the audience reactions. He expressed that Fala's death in the finale is a mystery because there is an inside story behind the death, it is not known whether or not she really dies. The truth will be disclosed in the film version. As for Bosco and Kate's ending, the decision will be made this week. Producer Chong said Damien Lau's role was initially a villain role, but because everyone's strong dislike, his role was changed. He has confidence that audience will anticipate the ending. Asked if Lives will have a sequel too? He expressed the film version has to start shooting first, just as long as there are public praises and good TV ratings, there is a chance for a sequel.

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