TVB News: Marrying in December, Toby Leung too many friends 'eats up' fiance's banquet tables

Source: The Sun Translated by: aZnangel @

Marrying in December, Toby Leung too many friends 'eats up' fiance's banquet tables

Roger Kwok just got a daughter added into his family, yesterday he appeared in Causeway Bay with Kate Tsui, Ron Ng, Him Law and Toby Leung for TVB series Wax and Wane promotion. The event organizers gave him ‘birthday noodles’ to celebrate the birth of his daughter. Roger reveals her daughter is given the name 'Yi Nga': "Didn't get a professional to help because my wife wants our daughter to be cultured and refined." As for his son Brad Kwok, Roger expressed he's usually trying to get attention from his parents, now a 'big brother' as he claims, he has got out of his diapers and sleeps by himself. Roger said: "In kindergarten, he has so many girls too!" Roger said frankly he does not plan to have any more kids, but won't follow Raymond Cho and do tubal ligation.

Toby Leung was still dressed in long sleeves and a scarf despite the hot weather. She explained she doesn't want to get a tan. On December 6th, she will become a bride: "I will be holding my 56 table wedding banquet in InterContiental Hong Kong Hotel, but because my parents and I have many friends, I had to 'eat up' my fiances table numbers. Really feel sorry." She reveals Charmaine Sheh, Angela Tong, Natalie Tong and Catherine Chau will be her bridemaids.

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