TVB News: Rebecca Zhu to play Francis Ng's girlfriend in Laughing Gor

Source: Mingpao,
Translated by: aZnangel @

Rebecca Zhu to play Francis Ng's girlfriend in Laughing Gor - Turning Point 2

Michael Tse, Francis Ng, Miss HK 2011 Rebecca Zhu, Kate Tsui, Janice Man, and MC Jin attended new film Laughing Gor: Turning Point 2 opening ceremony yesterday. Rebecca is already receiving TVB's special treatment, by giving her the lead role in the film. She will be portraying Francis' girlfriend. It's no wonder, yesterday she was the center of focus when she was introduced out on stage. Francis expressed he does not mind leading the new blood and felt it's a normal thing, pass on down generation after generation.

Shooting Laughing Gor again, how much is he paid? Francis said: "How would TVB treat me poorly, I got a raise. Miss Lok is very extravagant when she makes her move." Francis claimed his role can be played by no other in the moviedom. He said: "In the film, I play a highly intelligent criminal, you have to have the look to do this. Looking around the entire moviedom, no other looks right."

This is Rebecca's first time in a film, she expressed she does have pressure, but will do it at all cost and hope everyone understands. Prior to the shoot, she will familiarize herself with the script. When asked if Michael will be leading newcomer Rebecca? He said: "There are many seniors leading her, actually I think I might need a senior to lead me as well." Michael expressed he anticipates the collaboration with Rebecca and hopes to see her break the female lead 'must die' fate.

Michael reveals he will be involved in a love triangle with Francis and Rebecca. He will also be playing battle of the wits with Chapman and Francis in jail. When asked if TVB is heavily promoting him to become the next TV King? He said this year his 'report card' is not too bad, so he does have confidence.

Just TVB

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