Introduction: Super snoops 荃加福祿壽探案

Brief summary:
Inspector SAN CHIU TUNG (Liza Wang) left the police force because of strange cases. Instead, she started her own private investigation business. TUNG accidentally encounters three pitiful young men KUNG CHAK LAM (Wong Cho Lam), CHUNG DUK LAM (Louis Yuen) and CHUI SEUI (Johnson Lee). SEUI has a super power to 'envision the future'. As the three young men have strange abilities like walking through walls and a 'minute good fighter', this series will sure bring a lot of laughter. The four of them use their different abilities and disguises to investigate the case and turn into laughing stocks in the process.

My thoughts:
I am a fanatic fan of Have Fun with Liza and Gods. From "Sat in the city", "Kids in the city" I followed every single episode. Not sure how this drama will turns out. Oh yes, and Linda Chung, Toby Leung and Aimee Chan also participated in this drama holding minor roles. Hopefully, this comedy will turn out better than My sister of Eternal Flower which is sort of epic fail. haha. Feel free to voice out your comments. 

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