TVB News: Your favourite male leads live in Singapore Sentosa (Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Bosco Wong and Kevin Cheng)

Credits: xinmsn Translated by Justvb

Moses Chan, Ron Ng, Kevin Cheng and Bosco Wong performed at Sentosa Resorts World Convention Centre™, Compass Ballroom in front of about 5,000 audience. Other than rewarding their fans with gifts, their performance was commendable. Moses sang love songs, Ron centred around dance performance, Bosco sang rock songs and lastly Kevin sang soothing songs. Both Bosco and Ron gave flowers to their fans, Moses specially invited his buddy to perform with him and Kevin sings the best among the four. They received welcoming screams from fans. To get closer to their fans, they went to the audience seats and shook hands with them.  

Hope the translation is ok. ^_^

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