TVB News: Wayne Lai supports Sheren Tang's criticisms on TVB

Credits: tvbceleb.blogspot

Wayne Lai, Maggie Cheung, Kate Tsui, Aimee Chan, Edwin Siu and Jessie Shum attended the Forensic Heroes III end of filming feast. Earlier, Sheren Tang criticized TVB for not willing to invest in their productions and the poor treatment of their artists, Wayne said: "Sheren has always been a serious person, she's tough love and it's good to point out suggestions. She is just concern about the production and there will always be room for improvement." About Amigo Chui getting fired by TVB? Wayne said: "I admire his speaking skills and fast reactions. (Cleverness gets harmed by cleverness?) It's a pity, but as a public figure, really have to be careful."

Also, during pictures Kate and Maggie were very polite, Kate modestly said: "Have to yield my seniors. (Ron Ng didn't come to avoid you?) He is in Mainland filming."

Maggie was asked about the two rumored couples, Ron Ng and Kate Tsui and Aimee Chan and Edwin Siu. She said: "In the series, both pairs are very matching. Wayne and I lost it all! We can't have any rumors!" Reporters said Aimee and Moses Chan are the actual pair, Maggie laughed: "No! She and Edwin are matching!"

Just TVB

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