TVB News: Kenneth Ma & Lawrence Ng Promotes "On Call 2" @ Shanghai TV Festiva

Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @

Kenneth Ma & Lawrence Ng Promotes "On Call 2" @ Shanghai TV Festival

Yesterday TVB artists Kenneth Ma, Lawrence Ng and Mandy Wong appeared at the 19th Shanghai TV Festival held at the Intex Shanghai Exhibition Center to promote for their new series The Hippocratic Crush II (On Call 2). The media and guests enjoyed the latest promotional trailer at the event, which attracted over a 100 visitors. 

Kenneth Ma was crowned Astro's TV King based on his "Yat Kin Tau" role in On Call, he frankly expressed this series is very meaningful and anticipates support from the audience in the sequel. As for Lawrence Ng, who previously portrayed Dr. Paul Ching and left a deep impression on audience, expressed he felt excited to be able to participate in On Call 2 and created new sparks with the rest of the cast. Mandy praised the meticulous production, especially the surgery scenes. She believes this series will definitely be sentimental for the audience and she hopes to set a new high in the TV ratings. Also, music producer Tang Chi Wai disclosed on Weibo the theme song is entitled Sequel (續集), performed by Joey Yung. He wrote: "Some songs take a whole day to write, some take several weeks, but this song took us almost half a year. The reason is, I hope to follow the mind-blowing experience Dramatic Series (連續劇) brought... Thank you to the crew and producer Mr. Poon Ka Tak for the continual support, Liu Chi Wah@EEG's assistance, lyricist Lam Yat Hei and most importantly for your super strong performance tonight, the performer had to be you, Joey Yung." 

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