TVB News: Kenneth Ma is a bad man competing for TV King

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @

Kenneth Ma is a bad man competing for TV King

Kenneth Ma is the spokesperson for a skincare center for men. For the photo shoot, Kenneth posed in Chok looks: "I want to compete with Raymond Lam and Michael Tse!" He claimed he's the 'Chok Hero'.

This year Kenneth participated in several series, and has confidence to fight for the TV King title. He said: "The award proves that audience acknowledge my performances. My recent roles were mainly evil ones, but I am not worried that this sets me with the image of a bad man. If men aren't bad, women won't like. I believe the bad man image can attract audience from different levels. The most important is that we all know I am famous for being an honest person."

Just TVB

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