TVB News: Kevin Cheng and “A Fistful of Stances” Cast Meet for Dinner

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Kevin Cheng Ka Wing, Kara Hui Ying Hung, Natalie Tong, Nancy Wu Ding Yan, and other cast members of “A Fistful of Stances” met for dinner in Tsim Sha Tsui. The cast hoped that the finale episode will achieve good results on Sunday night. At the same time, they wished Kara Hui will win the Best Actress recognition at the Hong Kong Film Awards for her performance in “At the End of Daybreak.”

Due to her attendance at the Hong Kong Film Awards, Kara will be unable to meet with the cast of “A Fistful of Stances” to watch the broadcast of the finale together. Reporters joked that on April 18th, there may be a ratings battle between Kara’s appearance at the film awards versus her performance in “A Fistful of Stances.”

Kara smiled, “The Hong Kong Film Awards is not only my personal matter. The results for ‘A Fistful of Stances’ are also due to the entire cast. It would be ideal if we can pull high ratings for the series and at the same time, I receive the Best Actress Award.”

Kara revealed that Kevin was unhappy about the initial ratings of “A Fistful of Stances.” Kevin explained “It’s not to the point where I was unhappy, but I was disappointed. We all had high expectations; the script was good so there was no reason for the poor ratings.” (Was Kevin more satisfied with the current ratings results?) “The ratings can be better. The first episode of ‘A Fistful of Stances’ was aired on a Wednesday night. I believe this had some impact [on ratings for subsequent episodes].”

In an earlier interview, Amigo Chui publicly thanked ex-flame, Natalie Tong. In response, Natalie said, “I read the interview. I would like to thank him too. I agree with what he said, that our names should be separated and not mentioned together so frequently.” Currently, Natalie indicated that she was not interested in dating, perhaps rejecting a reunification with Amigo.

Earlier there were rumors that Nancy Wu was involved with a rich businessman, thereby ending her relationship with rumored boyfriend, Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming. Since Kenneth did not appear at the “A Fistful of Stances” dinner that night, it appears that he may be avoiding Nancy. In response, Nancy clarified, “The rumors are false and I regard it as just publicity for ‘A Fistful of Stances.’ (Was Nancy currently supported by a rich businessman?) “In life, you have to depend on yourself. I will not choose this route.”

Source: Takungpao

My thoughts:
Actually I don't reckon this series would be a hit, it is quite draggy and the cast is not very strong. I wonder why the actors and actresses pin high hope on this series.

Just TVB

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