TVB News: A Fistful of Stances to Air Finale

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TVB series, “A Fistful of Stances,” (鐵馬尋橋) starring Kevin Cheng Ka Wing, Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming, Tavia Yeung Yi, Selena Li Sze Wan, Yuen Chau, and Jacky Heung Jor, will be airing its finale next week. Last week, “A Fistful of Stances” had ratings of 27 points, peaking at 30 points.
In the finale, Kevin and Jacky will have a final combat scene, which may pull in a larger audience. Although the results in the face-off between good and evil are easily predictable (and thus a weak selling point), “A Fistful of Stances” is one of the higher quality series currently broadcasting on the Jade Channel.
Producer Lee Tim Sing touted the series as featuring “real kung-fu,” packed with a tumultuous family saga and mother-and-son story arc. This series was Yuen Chau’s first TVB series. Producer Lee increased the importance of the family story arc between Yuen Chau, Kevin, and Kenneth. A recent scene featuring Yuen Chau and nemesis, Claire Wai Ying Hung, in a martial arts battle sequence was well received by the audience.

Fresh talent, Jacky Heung (son of China Star founder, Heung Wah Keung) is an interesting addition to the cast of “A Fistful of Stances.” With his martial arts background, Jacky fits the arrogant and impulsive character perfectly. “You can tell he’s a great fighter by just looking at him.”

Kevin, who portrayed Yuen Chau’s elder son, did not have any breakthroughs in this role. As Yuen Chau’s second son, Kenneth Ma added a humorous flair to his character. His character also showcased leadership qualities in him, due to his creative solutions in resolving the family’s problems.

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