Introduction: Big Biz Duel 企業強人

Casts: Moses Chan, Shuan Tam, Kelly Cheung, Katy Kung and David Chiang

Episode: 30

Brief Summary:
Introduction: The giant "Generation Logistics" is rooted in Hong Kong and has its headquarters in the Greater Bay Area. Chairman Zhao Kai (Moses Chan) firmly believes that the company is people-oriented and values ​​every employee. Xu Daoming (Shaun Tam), a generational director representing the venture capital company "Chengfeng Capital", has a unique vision, but his philosophy of running a business is very different from Zhao Kai. The two have sympathy for each other and are difficult to be confidants and difficult enemies. With the help of his ex-wife Song Qiao (Kelly Cheung), who is also the founder of Chengfeng, and his partner Fang Fang (Katy Kung) who is a township franchisee, Zhao Kai gradually realizes his entrepreneurial beliefs by returning to the stock market for generations. At this time, the various capital forces behind Daoming, who has returned to Generations, Xing Wenhao (David Chiang), another director of Generations, and local logistics giants, are undercurrents, and each has their own plans...

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