Introduction: Let me Take Your Pulse 你好, 我的大夫

Let me Take Your Pulse (TVB)

Casts: Matthew Ho, Sisley Choi, Ricco Ng, Kayan Yau, Erica Chan, Danny Hung and Lincoln Hui

Episode: 25

Brief summary:
Cheng Jiaying (Sisley Choi) and Gu Qingjin (Matthew Ho) were originally lovers and graduates of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the same year. Qingjin chose to continue to further study which led to their breakup. In ten years later. Jiaying is already the director of Chinese medicine services at a public Chinese medicine clinic; Gu Qingjin is a Chinese medicine PHD holder, but he can only apply to be a training Chinese medicine practitioner and becomes Jiaying's subordinate. Although the two often have conflicts due to their own ideas, they both hold the benevolence of doctors and hope to use their medical skills to help more patients. Even though the medical system has many restrictions on traditional Chinese medicine, they jointly led new doctors Lu Yuanzhi (Ricco Ng), Yuan Sisi (Erica Chan), Tang Shaoguang (Kayan Yau) and Peng Qingwang (Danny Hung) to build an ideal clinic in everyone's mind and embark on the road of benevolent medicine despite all obstacles.

Just TVB

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