TVB 55th Anniversary Nominees

The TVB 55th Awards Ceremony will be held on 8 Jan 2023, how time flies and we are into another year! Hope everyone stay safe and healthy. TVB has released the list for top 10 nominees unlike last year for top 5 nominees and past years of 20 over nominees for the coveted award category. It has also changed the mode of presentation from graphical to video based.

TVB Best Actor

My thoughts:
Support Moses Chan and Kenneth Ma to win best actor for role as Sze Kwong and Tang Ming respectively in Big White Duel II.

TVB Best Actress Award

My thoughts:
Support Elena Kong for her role as Wenhui Yilou Get on a Flat. Not much competition for the best actress award, last year is more competitive.

TVB Best Supporting Actor Award

My thoughts: 
Perhaps someone from Get on a Flat?

TVB Best Supporting Actress Award

My thoughts: 
Super easy to guess, Angel Chiang as best supporting actress for her performance in The Beauty of War, well deserved.

TVB Best Male Character Award

My thoughts: 
If Kenneth Ma did not get Best Actor Award, Best Male Character award would be his for a third win in this award category.

TVB Best Female Character Award

My thoughts:
Support Moon Lau as  Li Jinger in The Beauty of War.

TVB Best Male Improvement Award

My thoughts: 
Derek Wong, Telford Wong or Ricco Ng.

TVB Best Female Improvement Award

My thoughts:
Moon Lau? Time to give her some credit for filming so many dramas. High chance Tiffany Lau as well, she is heavily promoted.

TVB Best Drama Award

My thoughts:
Personal favourite is The Beauty of War, will camp every day just to watch each episode and the drama is too short, should include more episodes.

P.S. For Best Onscreen Partner Award got to be Andrew Lam and Elena Kong in Get on a Flat. Catch the red carpet live on youtube 8 Jan 2023 6pm (link).

Just TVB

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