Introduction: Childhood In A Capsule 童時愛上你​

Casts: Samantha Ko, Owen Cheung, Ruco Chan, Bowie Wu, Andrew Yuen and Nicole Wan

Episodes: 20

Brief Summary:
Makeup KOL Ding You Ying (Owen Cheung) gained popularity with his poisonous tongue. Lei Zi Tong (Samantha Ko), the successor of the group and CEO of the makeup brand, was proud of herself. She learned that her products were severely criticized by Youying, and the two confronted each other when they met. In an accident, Zitong's brain was injured and her mind became a child. Zitong's father Lei Zhenyue (Bowie Wu) and his assistant Shang Zha Li (Ruco Chan) want Youying and Zitong to pretend to be husband and wife to check Lei's father's son, Lei Dexin (Andrew Yuen). Zha Li tried his best to help Zi Tong to cover up the truth, but was caught by Dexin and threatened... Zi Tong's frankness and innocence melted everyone around him, and also reminded You Ying to regain his original heart, the two had mutual affection and lived a sweet and happy life As the days go by, Zitong's brain injury worsens...

Just TVB

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