TVB 54th Anniversary Nominees

The TVB 54th Awards Ceremony will be held on 2 Jan 2022, how time flies and we are into another year! Hope everyone stay safe and healthy, year 2020 and 2021 have not been a good year for all of us. TVB has released the list for top 5 nominees unlike past years of 20 over nominees for the coveted award category.

TVB Best Actor

My thoughts:
Support Shaun Tam to win best actor for his role as Sze Kwong in Take Two. Both Kevin Cheng and Owen Cheung stand a chance as well. If Owen gets it more like its promoting him to lead actor material.

TVB Best Actress Award

My thoughts:
Support Ali Lee for Best Actress, have neither like nor dislike her, her acting as AI robot is very convincing, hope that one day I have a robot at home that can take care of all the cooking and housework, that will be super great ^_^.

TVB Best Supporting Actor Award

My thoughts: 
Most remembered character is Rocky from AI Romantic played by Tyson Chak and villain IT genius Jonathan Cheung in Sinister Beings.

TVB Best Supporting Actress Award

My thoughts: 
Support Moon Lau for her performance in Take Two, she also did well in The Line Watchers as the work life balance housewife cum Madam.

TVB Best Male Character Award

My thoughts: 
If Shaun Tam did not get Best Actor Award, Best Male Character award would be his unless its a double win. Quite like Billy Luk character in AI Romantic as well. Have not watched A Love of No Words, unable to comment.

TVB Best Female Character Award

My thoughts:
Perhaps Linda Chung for her character as Doctor Eman in Kids Lives Matter since she's back in Hong Kong to attend the anniversary awards. Linda has never gotten any awards since Most Female Improvement Award in 2006, high chance its her.

TVB Best Male Improvement Award

My thoughts: 
Maybe Hubert Wu? Karl Ting is dark horse as he's well promoted in TVB.

TVB Best Female Improvement Award

My thoughts:
Jeannie Chan? Time to give her some credit for filming so many dramas.

TVB Best Drama Award

My thoughts:
Personal favourite is Sinister Beings and Take Two. Please stop giving medical drama the attention since Life on the Line and Big White Duel, police crime and thriller drama are more interesting than Kids Lives Matter. Which 2021 drama is your favourite, leave a comment below!

P.S. For Best Onscreen Partner Award got to be Kevin Cheng and Linda Chung in Kids Live Matter.

Just TVB

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