Introduction: The Offliners 堅離地愛堅離地

Casts: Owen Cheung, Jason Chan, Moon Lau, Katy Kung, Jacqueline Wong and Brian Tse

Episodes: 20

Brief summary:
In Hong Kong, entering the financial, real estate or commercial industries are "down-to-earth" activities, but wealthy heiress Katy Kung likes being "off the ground." She and good friend Jason Chan open a tech start-up. A hacker incident allows Katy to witness the talents of IT genius Owen Cheung. She invites him to join the company. Owen is an "off-the-ground" homebody who disregards the world around him. With the help of nurse Moon Lau, he learns how to communicate well and starts to develop feelings for her. Katy and Owen go from having a difference of opinions to working together and complementing each other's weaknesses, and she unconsciously develops feelings for him. Katy initially believed that technoloy will bring beauty to the world, until Internet scandals successively hit her father (Joseph Lee), brother (Jonanthan Wong), and sister (Jacqueline Wong)!

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