Introduction: Daddy Cool 逆緣

Casts: Wayne Lai, Rosina Lam, Chris Lai, John Chiang, Joel Chan and Stefan Wong

Episodes: 35

Brief summary: 
A sudden storm causes Carlos Chan, a guerrilla fighter during the Second Sino-Japanese War, to awaken after being frozen for over seventy years. He discovers that he is now in the year 2018. He searches for his family, only to see his descendants behaving badly. His son (John Chiang) is fraudulently on welfare, while his grandson (Wayne Lai) uses feng shui to deceive people for money, yet Carlos is unable to correct them. Wayne even becomes involved in the romantic entanglement between the secretly wealthy Patrica Ha, Rosina Lam, and wealthy businessman Chris Lai. From covering up the truth of a murder to getting caught up in a battle for money, Carlos vows to save his family at any cost...

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