Happy 8th Birthday to Justvb! (21st September 2017)

Today marks the day where Justvb blog turns 8 years old. This blog started way back in 2009 purely out of interest to share about TVB news, upcoming dramas and TVB artistes. It was previously known as just-tvb.blogspot.com till it was removed by blogger. Then, it changed to a forum justvb.icyboards.net and now its back to blogger at newjustvb.blogspot.com to bring a brand new experience to readers out there. 8 years has passed and many TVB artistes have left, returned or moved on. We have also witnessed the declining productivity of TVB dramas and now it's TVB 50th Anniversary with 6 anniversary dramas from the usual 2 anniversary dramas.

These 6 anniversary dramas are:

Line Walker: The Prelude 使徒行者2 with Michael Miu and Benz Hui from the original Line Walker drama joining Line Walker Part 2

Oh My Grad 老表,畢業喇! with Ada Choi joining the cast

Exorcist’s Meter 降魔的

My Ages Apart 誇時代, sounds familiar to a threshold of an era

Heart of Greed 3 溏心風暴3, the family business show coming in part 3 with Louise Lee, Ha Yu and Michelle Yim plus Bosco Wong returning 

Deep in the Realm of Conscience 宮心計2·深宮計, the palace drama with almost complete brand new cast, not sure if you all recalled Edwin Siu is part of Beyond the Realm of Conscience in a small emperor role ^ ^

The Learning Curve of a Warlord 大帥哥

Hope you enjoyed your stay at Justvb. Stay tuned for more updates! ^_^

Just TVB

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