Introduction: Provocateur 與諜同謀

Casts: Gallen Lo, Fred Cheng, Ali Lee, Jacqueline Wong and Raymond Cho

Episodes: 25

Brief summary:
Cosmetics mogul Gallen Lo lives with his step-daughter (Jacqueline Wong) after the deaths of his first and second wife. Gallen eventually seeks to start the second half of his life. He meets a resourceful young man (Fred Cheng), within whom he sees shades of his younger self and feels a special sense of familiarity. His personal secretary (Ali Lee) is also impressed with this new marketing manager and believes he can bring the company to a new level. Since the disappearance of her husband (Raymond Cho), Ali has been using work to numb herself and has made Gallen and the company the focus of her life. 

On the surface, Fred appears to be trying to win the favour of Gallen and to gain Ali's trust. But in fact, he and his partners, including Jonathan Cheung, who gathers intelligence, Roxanne Tong, an expert in socializing, Winki Lai, a technology nerd, and Jack Wu, a whiz at changing disguises, make a living from stealing trade secrets from various corporations. Fred has planned for many years and is waiting for the best opportunity to launch a destructive revenge plot. A power struggle like that of father and son slowly unfolds on the invisible battlefield...

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