Introduction: Law Dis-Order 律政强人

Casts: Alex Fong (Fong Chun Sun), Lui Kai Chi, Ali Lee, Mandy Wong, Raymond Cho, Kelly Cheung, Florence Kwok, Lau Dan and Matthew Ho

Episodes: 28

Brief summary:
As the founder of the leading Chinese-backed law firm in Hong Kong, Lau Dan has served as the committee chair for many terms. Although he has promised managing partner Liu Kai-chi that he will step down, he invited the profit-oriented Alex Fong to join the firm to counterbalance the power-hungry Liu Kai-chi. Liu Kai-chi has cemented his power at the firm throughout the years. He expects his top associates, Raymond Cho and Mandy Wong, to easily handle Florence Kwok and Matthew Ho from Alex's camp, until a car accident throws off his calculations. Meanwhile, Alex takes advantage and receives an astronomical deal from Lau Dan, officially being promoted to senior partner. Alex also re-encounters Ali Lee, who is also a lawyer. Ali has a special status within the firm. From her initial disdain towards Alex to admiration of him, the two of them establish a mentor and friend relationship. This forces Liu Kai-chi, a ticking time bomb, to show his hand to Lau Dan. As each camp struggles for power, a toothless tiger who has been hibernating for many years prepares to get revenge...

Just TVB

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