Justvb's 3rd Anniversary! Feel free to leave your greetings. =D

New layout for Justvb's 3rd anniversary! This banner is very special as it is created by Lynne from TVB Horizon. I really appreciate her help as I really ran out of inspirations for new banner. haha.
If you are a regular visitor, you should have known that there are much changes made to this site such as the social media button counter (hope you all click and share it! =D) and at the bottom of the page, you will find all the recent comments and posts which makes the navigation neater in my opinion. Oh ya, there's also this graphical icon buttons at the top. I spent hours doing that! =p
During the 2nd anniversary, I featured Kenneth Ma in my banner, well it turned out that I was right and Kenneth is indeed promoted and gaining even more recognition. Such a promising actor who just lack of luck in his career which I have mentioned 1 year ago. =)
 I am glad that all those Justvb's readers out there didn't abandon this site and continue to support it! Regular Justvb visitor? Leave your greetings message at the comment section to show your 3 years support. I will be happy to read it if any. haha.  As usual, you are strongly encourage to input any views or suggestions about Justvb's website or social media channels. 
Sad to say that I will be on hiatus for 2 weeks due to my exams. Please bear with me and help post stuffs in Facebook to make the timeline as lively as possible. =D If you are bored while no updates is done, you are welcome to view the very

Just TVB

Hello, glad that you enjoyed reading the post. Don't forget to also support our instagram at @newjustvb

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