Series: Three kingdoms RPG 回到三國

*Contains spoiler*
Episode 1 to 25:

An online game freak, Kenneth Ma (Szema Shun 司馬信) is sent through time to the Three Kingdoms period of China history when a super typhoon hits the city where he lives.

While in the Three Kingdoms, Kenneth was thrilled to come face-to-face with his long time idol – accomplished strategist Raymond Lam (Chukot Leung 諸葛亮) who was working under Joseph Lee (Lau Bei 劉備). Kenneth had a great time in the Three Kingdoms lecturing the historic figures on strategic planning in war, instilling HK culture and the way they speak creating a hilarious effects.  

Despite the happiness, Kenneth also suffered from home sickness and wanted to return back to the modern world. The only form of communciation is through SMS in his mobile phone with his sister to enquire about when the gate to the modern world will be opened.

While awaiting the gate to open, he met imperial maid Tavia Yeung (Song-yau 桑柔) and taught her about the freedom to love which is applicable in HK. This cause Tavia to broke her arranged marriage as she wanted to have the opportunity to choose. Kenneth and Tavia spent some time together and Kenneth even sang a love song to her causing Tavia to misunderstand Kenneth and fell in love with him. While Kenneth have a more open mind towards relationship, Tavia being an ancient woman is very faithful to the one she love and will not love others anymore. The pair finally separated when Kenneth revealed that he does not love Tavia.

Besides the love relationship aspects of the drama, there were a few major events that happened in the Three Kingdoms. One is the retreat to Jiang Xia where Joseph led his men and people to escape from Law Lok-lam (Cho Cho 曹操). The most hilarious part is where Joseph third sworn brother, Savio Tsang (Cheung Fei 張飛) create a huge uproar at the bridge which subsequently collapsed causing Law Lok-lam's men to retreat.

Another is the merger of Joseph Lee and Pierre Ngo (Suen Kuen 孫權) against Law Lok-lam. It is noticeable that there will be competition between the two strategists, Ruco Chan (Chow Yu 周瑜) who is Pierre's strategist and Raymond. Ruco being the leader, tried to make things difficult for Raymond by asking him to produce 100,000 arrows in a month which was impossible. The problem was finally resolved by "borrowing" arrows from Law Lok-lam thus receiving praises from Pierre. This increased Ruco's jealousy. 

The merger was quite smooth initially but was shaken when Kenneth Ma discovered a secret which concerned Pierre Ngo. Coupled with Ruco's pressure, Joseph and Raymond Lam have no choice but to send Kenneth away as his life is at stake.

While Kenneth was running for his life, he was injured by Ruco's army and was fortunately saved by Tavia. During that time, Kenneth developed real feelings for Tavia but Tavia ignored him. While he had recovered, he was surrounded by Law Lok-lam's army who captured him as they wanted him to be strategist for Law Lok-lam.

To make Kenneth more faithful and reliable, Law Lok-lam also captured Tavia and held her as hostage. In the final battle at the Red Cliff, Kenneth suggested to Law Lok-lam to chain up their battle ships together which was going according to Ruco's plan. The plan was to round up the battle ships and prevent them from escaping when they put out the fire where it will spread rapidly due to the aid of the wind.

During the last battle, the time gate opened and Kenneth wanted Tavia to go back with him to HK. Unfortunately, only Kenneth managed to return back. During the adventure in Three Kingdoms, it was noticed that Kenneth personality changes from being regarded as a good-for-nothing in the modern world, to someone who had reborn after coming back.

Eventually after 30 years, Tavia finally make it to the modern world but was disappointed to see the old and frail Kenneth died due to heart attack where she wept silently.

My thoughts:
Sad ending same as Witness Insecurity but I feel that the ending is much more smoother in Three Kingdoms RPG. A rather interesting show as I learned more about the history of China and there were some rather lame scenes in the drama. Overall, good to watch if you have the time. Do feel free to voice out your thoughts about this drama. Thank you. ^_^

Just TVB

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