Series: A fistful of stances 鐵馬尋橋


*Contains spoiler*
Episode 1 to 25:
This series revolves around martial arts training school. Yuen Qiu (Au-Yeung Wai-Lan 歐陽惠蘭), the owner of the school had painstakingly brought up her children when her husband was found to be missing for many years. All along, she reasoned that Dominic Lam (Wing Tak 榮德) is bound to be implicated in the disappearance of her husband. However, there was no evidence against him. She tried to wrote letters to the top authories but got hindered by Dominic who in turn accused Yuen Qiu of being a lunatic and be sent to the mental hospital. Helplessly, Yuen Qiu had to place the matter aside and focused on raising the children.

One day, her elder and second son had been kidnapped by some children smugglers. She searched high and low for them and finally found them in a railway. While she caught hold of her second son, her elder son was still in hostage. In the end, the train left and Yuen Qiu and her elder son was separated.

After many years, all the children grew up and helped out in the martial school. One day, the youngest adopted daughter, Natalie Tong (Ying Ngan-Ming 應雁鳴) saw Kevin Cheng (Koo Yue-Cheung 顧汝章) in the streets who bears similar resemblance to her adopted father.

The Koo family was excited having managed to find their elder brother. They clustered around Kevin and showed him past photos of their father as proof. Kevin refused to believe what they said and become annoyed with them while he is tendering to his sick mother who was in fact the children smuggler. Kevin's mother was persuaded upmteen times to reveal the truth to Kevin but to no avail. Kevin was extremely annoyed at the Koo family's action and create a havoc at the martial arts school telling them off not to disturbed him and his mother anymore.

It was not until Kevin's mother was seriously sick in her deathbed did she tell the truth. Kevin began to gradually accept the Koo family and finally reunited with Yuen Qiu. In one of the family get-together, the Koo family discovered a long-lost medicine recipes passed down by their grandfather. They decided to expand the business and further establish their branding.

Rival Dominic who was also in the pharmaceutical industry for many years was jealous of the Koo's family thriving business and tried means to bring their business down. Luckily, with the addtion investment of Angela Tong (Chow Fong-fong 周芳芳) and her husband Ram Chiang (Leung Cham 梁湛), the business is able to survive.

The second son, Kenneth Ma (Koo Yue-tong 顧汝棠) was initially the youngest martial arts fighter in the seven states. However, because of his vigorous training, he become short of breath easily and required medication. He is on good terms with his doctor, Selena Li (Wing Tsz-ching 榮芷晴) although her father was Dominic.

A great discovery was made and the Koo family found out that Kevin has extraordinary strength in this arms and hands and has a good potential to learn martial arts. His mentor, Ram has been training Kevin extensively for the upcoming tournament. Coincidentally, Dominic's son (Wing Man-kwan 榮萬鈞) had also participated in the tournament. In the end, both Kevin and Jacky had to face-off one another in the finals. Jacky who followed his father footsteps, had resorted to despicable means to get what he wants by asking one of the martial arts disciples to poisoned Kevin just before the tournament. In the end, Kevin won the tournament and he was the champion of their state. Jacky was very upset and confronted the disciple who was later beaten to death by him as he failed to poison Kevin.

The Koo family was angered by their disciple's death and knew that it has something to do with Jacky as one of the management board members saw how the disciple was beaten by Jacky. However, his testimonials was not valid as he was in the state of drunkness. Moreover, Dominic heavily bribed the police inspectors to help Jacky. However, due to increased public pressure, the police had no choice but to arrest Jacky. Dominic later devised a plan and tricked one of his men present at the crime scene to admit to the crimes committed by forging a medical report that the person contacted cancer.

Unfortunately, things did not go as smoothly as expected. When Selena was examining the accused, she secretly stolen his medicine. After an anlysis, it was found out to be some heavy doses of heart disease medicine that is not suitable for normal humans and would cause nose bleeding and symptoms of cancer. Selena was very upset and is at a total loss of what to do and she could not bring herself to betray her father and brother. In the end, she resigned and left to another state to continue her doctor profession. Kenneth was concerned about Selena's sudden intention to leave and save her in the nick of time when she was about to commit suicide as she could not contain her mix feelings of guiltiness anymore.

Finally, Jacky was prosecuted and sentence to death. Surprisingly, he manged to escape the death sentence by hiding under the ground with a decoy used during the death trial. Thereafter, he gone into hiding and constantly trained himself in preparation for the seven states tournament championship. Dominic has planned this evil scheme all along.

In the finals, Kevin face-off with Jacky again although the public do not know that Jacky's true identity as all of them believed that he had already been sentenced to death and he was only someone who beared resemblance to Dominic 's son. Jacky cheated in the tournament again by consuming more than adequate amount of drugs. After a fierce battle, Ram threw a white handkerchief to be out of the game. Kevin was strongly against Ram's descision and was determined to win. Ram later died of heart attack after the tournament due to accumulated internal injuries.

Meanwhile, Dominic paid an unexpected visit to the Koo family and finally told them where their father's body was hidden. The children can finally pay their respect to their father. The truth was finally revealed. The murderer of their father was actually Kara Hui (Cheung Sheung-chu 蔣上珠), Dominic's wife who shot their father. However, the fatal shot was by Dominic. To prevent the Koo family and the martial board members to tell the truth, Dominic kidnapped Natalie and their loved ones. Everyone felt threatened and refused to go against him. However, they managed to pluck up the courage and testify against him. Dominic was then sent to jail.

In order to find out the whereabouts of Natalie where Dominic refused to say, the Koo family is in cahoots with Jacky who was already partially handicapped to tricked his father to convey where Natalie's is being kidnapped without food and water for a few days. In the end, Kevin managed to find a lethargic Natalie and quickly brought her to the hospital. Also, there is a happy ending for Kenneth and Selena.

My thoughts:
This series clearly reflects the bond among brothers and sisters. It is vital that one should be united to stand up at any odds so as to overcome it. Anyone who watched this series are welcome to comment. Thanks. ^_^

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