TVB News: Moses Chan Praised Bernice Liu's performance in The Mysteries of Love

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Moses Chan Ho, Bernice Liu Bik Yee, William So Wing Hong, Edmond Leung Hon Mon, and Lo Koon Ping appeared at the opening of flagship store, Pompei. It has been one year since Moses and Bernice jointly appeared at a promotional event together. When Bernice announced the sweepstakes winner for a $500 (HKD) cash gift, she drew forth Moses’ name.

Bernice laughed and said she was unable to recognize Moses’ name is Chinese when she drew his winning ticket. With recent break-up rumors, did Bernice have less opportunity to work alongside Moses? Bernice said, “After Healing Hands III <妙手仁心>, we had less opportunity to work with each other. Last year, I frequently traveled overseas. As I am currently filming TVB series, Home Army <居家兵團>, we should have more opportunity to see each other.”
Clasping Bernice’s hands during the catwalk segment, was Moses afraid of drawing rumored girlfriend, Charmaine Sheh Si Man’s jealousy? Moses said, “I will repeat, I will not respond to rumors that do not involve me. I am indifferent to rumors and do not even read tabloid reports about myself.”

Reporters teased Moses for clarifying his rumors in front of Bernice. Moses and Bernice looked at each other and laughed. Bernice said, “He said that he is not involved with any rumors concerning women; that includes me too!”

Moses said that he watched Bernice’s performance in The Mysteries of Love <談情說案>. “I watched some of the episodes. Bernice’s acting has improved and matured. She performed very well and openly in her love scene with Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming. Bernice thanked Moses for his open praise. “I admire Moses as my predecessor. He worked as a model before and had good past experience.” (Did Bernice ask Moses for advice when filming intimate scenes?) Bernice said no while Moses said, “I don’t know how to teach that!”

Source: Takungpao

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