TVB News: Jessica Hsuan Getting Married in 2011

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According to Hong Kong media reports, 39-year-old Jessica Hsuan has been in the entertainment industry for twenty years and has changed from playing fadan roles to middle-aged women. Although possessing fame and fortune, Jessica was looking for a partner and finally found love in veterinarian boyfriend, Ruan Bester, last year. After meeting Ruan, Jessica’s former lonely spirit was erased and she placed love above all else. Allegedly, Ruan already proposed and Jessica is ready to get married and become a mother next year!

Ruan Already Proposed
Although Jessica has been busy promoting TVB series, Sisters of Pearl <掌上明珠> lately, she did not neglect Ruan. In the past, Jessica placed all her efforts on her work. She filmed lengthy hours day and night, sacrificing her health and entering the hospital several times. Finally, Jessica became enlightened, “When I was filming A Step into the Past <寻秦记>, I entered the hospital. I told Heaven that I did not want anything except my health. Even if I possessed $100 million (HKD), it would be useless. From that day onwards, I reminded myself not to work non-stop.”
Dating for six months, Ruan already proposed to Jessica. “He has talked about getting married. Since I am a woman, I will not take the initiative in such matters. I believe that love is destined. Each time when I dated in the past, I wanted it [to result in marriage]. I would say that Ruan is the most compatible man I have dated. Our beliefs and thinking are similar, allowing us to move forward in the same direction.”

Dreaming a Simple Wedding
Since that was the case, Jessica and Ruan’s wedding date should not be far away. Jessica hinted that she may get married next year. What vision did Jessica have for her wedding? She replied, “My dream wedding is very simple. I do not want a big banquet. I love Daniel Wu Yiu Cho and Lisa S.’s wedding ceremony in South Africa!”

Nowadays, Jessica placed Ruan and her family in first place. What did Jessica like most about Ruan? “We have common interests. He has a sense of humor and is kind-hearted. He treats my parents well and possesses a serious attitude towards work. In addition, his thinking is very compatible with mine.”
Ruan has a very kind heart, which may also be his greatest shortcoming. Sometimes he will be taken advantage of. Jessica often needs to be the firm one, “In the appropriate situations, I will need to speak up [for him].”


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