The story starts with Ho Ka Yan (Elaine Yiu), an editor for an online media company, going undercover to join a running club in hopes of discovering juicy gossip and old skeletons in the closet. She meets her coach Yuen Lik (Joel Chan), who alienates himself from other people due to past trauma.
Despite his unapproachable exterior, Yuen Lik is eager to help friends in need and supports Lai Shun Fan (Max Cheung), who has a chronic illness. As Shun Fan gives up on himself, Yuen Lik steps in to take care of his friend’s son. In the journey to get Shun Fan back on his feet, Yuen Lik is forced to face his own demons and learns to let go as well.
Further complicating their friendship is that Shun Fan and Ka Yan had dated in the past, and she still has feelings for him. As time goes on, she also grows close to Yuen Lik and falls in love with running.
Meanwhile, Ka Yan’s good friend Kwok Pui Yee (Tiffany Lau), the daughter of rich businessman Kwok Wong Po (KK Cheung), joins the running club with ulterior motives and seems to hold a deep grudge against Yuen Lik.
As the characters grapple with their own pasts, they learn to find the courage to let go and become better versions of themselves.