MV Links: Rogue Emperor 流氓皇帝 themesong and subtheme

Themesong "四方" by 鄭世豪 Subtheme "乾杯" by 羅鈞滿/鄭世豪/姚兵 Subtheme: "心暖" by Kenneth Ma and Nikki Chow ...

TVB 49th Anniversary Awards Results

Best Actor Award:  Ruco Chan, “A Fist Within Four Walls” Roger Kwok, “Dead Wrong” Benjamin Yuen, “A Fist...

Introduction: Rogue Emperor 流氓皇帝

Casts: Kenneth Ma, Nikki Chow, Mandy Wong, Benjamin Yuen and Koo Ming Wah Episode: 17 Brief summary:  Living...