TVB News: Wayne Lai Praises Louisa So a Strong Co-Star, Collaborates Again After 10 Years

Source: MingpaoTranslated by: aZnangel @  Wayne Lai Praises Louisa So a Strong Co-Star, Collaborates Again After 10...

TVB News: Joe Ma Do Everything to Protect "TV Queen" Linda Chung

Source: Oriental DailyTranslated by: aZnangel @  Joe Ma Do Everything to Protect "TV Queen" Linda Chung Yesterday...

TVB News: "Tiger Cubs 2" Big Explosion Scared Residents, Called The Police

Source: Oriental DailyTranslated by: aZnangel @  "Tiger Cubs 2" Big Explosion Scared Residents, Called The Police Yesterday...

Introduction: Sniper standoff 神槍狙擊

Brief summary:Going into heartland of tiger snipers. Behind the breathtaking animation and intensive fights are determination and tenderness. Sniper...

TVB News: Bobby Au Yeung Tries to Convince Esther Kwan for "Armed Reaction 5"

Source: Mingpao Weekly, HKChannelTranslated by: aZnangel @ http://asianuniverse.netBobby Au Yeung Tries to Convince Esther Kwan for "Armed Reaction...