Introduction: Let it be love 4 in love

Brief summary:The series revolves around 4 love stories.A short public officer (Wai Kar Hung) falls for a 42-inch...

TVB News: Ron Ng to start a family, be faithful and a homeowner for most loved, gives up on playing

Source: HKHeadline, TVBChannel Translated by: aZnangel @ Ron Ng to start a family, be faithful and a...

TVB News: Kate Tsui & Raymond Lam - The more they fish, the popular they get

Source: Mingpao Translated by: aZnangel @ Tsui & Raymond Lam - The more they fish, the popular...

TVB News: Kate Tsui hot dancing on CNY, dress almost slips off

Source: Mingpao, Oriental Daily (image) Translated by: aZnangel @   Kate Tsui hot dancing on CNY, dress...

TVB News: Myolie Wu a lucky Dragon year, next goal is Film Queen

Source: Oriental Daily Translated by aZnangel @ Wu a lucky Dragon year, next goal is Film Queen...

TVB News: Charmaine Sheh sighs its a pity she can't be in 'War and Beauty 2'

Source: Mingpao Translated by aZnangel @ Sheh sighs its a pity she can't be in 'War and...

TVB News: Viann Zhang's bad habits exposed by fans, Ron Ng strongly supports girlfriend

Source: Mingpao Translated by aZnangel @ Viann Zhang's bad habits exposed by fans, Ron Ng strongly supports...

TVB News: Raymond Lam & Kate Tsui Choks away rotten peach blossoms in the Dragon year

Source: Oriental Daily Translated by aZnangel @ Lam & Kate Tsui Choks away rotten peach blossoms in...

TVB News: Ruco Chan a lead actor in his first comedy series

Source: Mingpao Translated by aZnangel @ Chan a lead actor in his first comedy series Yesterday Ruco...

TVB News: Raymond Lam, Elaine Ng, Kate Tsui and Ella Koon in new TVB drug series

Source: Mingpao, Oriental DailyTranslated by aZnangel @   Raymond Lam, Elaine Ng, Kate Tsui and Ella Koon...

TVB News: Johnson Lee wants to trade with Bosco Wong and be Myolie Wu 'real man'

Source: Oriental Daily Translated by aZnangel @ Johnson Lee wants to trade with Bosco Wong and be...

TVB News: Kate Tsui researches on how to do drugs for new series and Raymond Lam "declines" to shake hands with Fuk Luk Sau

Source: Mingpao Translated by aZnangel @ Tsui researches on how to do drugs for new series Last...

TVB News: Fala Chen responds on Weibo denying the 'mansion' rumors

Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao Translated by aZnangel @ Fala Chen responds on Weibo denying the 'mansion' rumors...

TVB News: Fala Chen married in 2008, 40,000 feet mansion in US exposed

Source: Next Magazine, Oriental Daily (image), TVBChannel Translated by aZnangel @ Fala Chen married in 2008, 40,000...

Deal of the day: Lives of omission 潛行狙擊 drama @ 20% off Pay S$20 instead of S$25

 Casting: Tse Tin Wah, Bosco Wong, Fala Chen, Kate Tsui, Damian Lau, Cheung Kwok Keung, Elena Kong, Kwok...

Introduction: Wish and switch 換樂無窮

Brief summary:Young housewife YUEN SUK HEUNG (Myolie Wu) accidentally enters a mysterious website, which allowed her to change...

Happy New Year 2012!

Happy New Year 2012!My resolution for 2011 came partly true, I am so happy! Similarly, I hope that...